gen logo

                     +--John Quarles 
                  +--Thomas Quarles  (ABT 1413-AFT 12 JUL 1462)
                  |  +--Margaret Neal 
               +--John Quarles  (ABT 1444-ABT 1474)
               |  +--Agnes Caproune  (ABT 1417-AFT 1450)
            +--William Quarles  (ABT 1477-ABT 1507)
            |  +--Amy Plumstead  (ABT 1448-)
         +--John Quarles  (ABT 1508-12 NOV 1577)
         |  |  +--Mr. Buck  (ABT 1455-)
         |  +--Emma Buck  (ABT 1507-)
      +--John Quarles  (21 OCT 1563-7 DEC 1590)
      |  |  +--Dayrell Paul Darrell  (ABT 1494-25 MAY 1556)
      |  +--Dorothy Darrell  (ABT 1523-7 JAN 1570)
      |     +--Margaret Cheyney  (ABT 1494-)
   +--Richard Quarles  (ABT 1595-AFT 1640)
   |  |  +--Sir Henry Billingsley  (ABT 1530-22 NOV 1606)
   |  +--Elizabeth Billingsley  (ABT 1567-)
   |     |  +--Henry Bourne 
   |     +--Elizabeth Bourne  (ABT 1541-29 JUL 1577)
+--John Quarles  (BEF 1639-BEF 1680)
|  +--Ellen   (1603-)
Captain John Quarles  (1665-AFT 1741)
+--Frances West  (1648-BEF 1680)


If you have any new information to add or see anything that needs to be corrected, please send me an email. This tree is a work in progress and is generally updated about every 2 weeks.

Melissa Wells-Massey's Family Tree
Last Updated April 2, 2003

Page built by Gedpage Version 2.20 ©2000 on 02 April 2003