Callie Ford - Williams

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Photo of Callie Ford-Williams taken in Durant, OK before 1937

She is said to be a cousin to the Ford brothers that shot Jesse James but I have been unable to find any proof of this. Supposedly, her husband, Leonard Williams (my gg grandfather) was associated with the James gang. I am not sure if he was a"member", infact everything I have ever found on the James gang does not mention a Leonard Williams at all. My grandfather swears by this story and he says here remembers as a young boy (he was born in 1925) shady looking characters coming to the Williams farm and Leonard would make the children stay away from them and some would come with gunshot wounds. They would stay long enough for them to heal then they would be off. He also told me that Leonard Williams always had a large amount of money (he put all his children through college, something very uncommon in those days) and during the depression the Williams family had no money problems to speak of and would invite over their neighbors to feed them.

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